Figure 1. Transduction with Lenti-X Accelerator. Placing virus-bound magnetic beads in a magnetic field greatly increases the localized virus concentration at the surface of the cell monolayer.
This reduces the transduction time to just 5 min after a 20 min preincubation to bind the beads to the virus-compared to transduction overnight with Polybrene. Accelerated transduction also limits exposure of your sensitive target cells to viral supernantant.
Figure 2. Lenti-X Accelerator provides high transduction efficiency in a 25 min protocol.
A ZsGreen1-expessing Lenti-X vector was used to transduce HT1080 cells. Lenti-X Accelerator beads (8 §¡) were preincubated for 20 min at room temperature with 200 §¡ (approx. 1x106 total IFU) of viral supernatant, and applied to HT1080 cells on a Magnetic Separator for 5 min. HT1080 cells were also transduced with the same amount of virus in the presence of 6 §¶/ml Polybrene, for 5 min or overnight. After the cultures were grown for an additional 72 hr at 37¡É, the number of transduced cells was determined by flow cytometry.