Xfect siRNA Transfection Reagent transfects with high efficiency and won't kill your cells. HeLa, 293T, and HT1080 cells plated at 90% confluency in 24-well
plates were transfected with 30 pmoles of anti-PP1B (cyclophilin B) siRNA following the recommended protocol. PP1B mRNA levels were analyzed by qPCR after
48 hours of incubation and mRNA levels were normalized against HPRT expression. Cell viabilities were determined after 48 hours of incubation using a dye
exclusion assay.
Xfect siRNA Transfection Reagent gives a better siRNA-mediated knockdown of gene expression than Product L. HeLa cells were transfected with siRNA oligos
directed against three genes (PP1B, Lamin A/C, and MAPK1) and the respective knockdown efficiency was compared to that achieved by leading competitor Product L.
Xfect siRNA Transfection Reagent outperformed Product L, with a higher percentage knockdown of all 3 mRNAs.
Transfection of siRNA using Xfect is very simple. For one well of a 24-well plate, take 30 picomoles of siRNA and 4 ¥ìl of Xfect Polymer and suspend each in
a total of 50 ¥ìl of reaction buffer, then combine and wait 20 min for the nanoparticles to form. Apply to your cells and analyze for knockdown of expression
24-48 hr later. There is no need to test different ratios of polymer to siRNA.
Xfect siRNA Transfection Reagent can easily be adapted for a variety of plate formats including 12-well, 24-well and 96-well.
Transfection of siRNA oligos for gene knockdown by RNA interference