Windows 7, 2 GB memory, 120 GB storage, 1 GB network adapter, USB ports for memory sticks
Power requirements
(for different electrical grid types)
120 VAC/60 Hz mains: four 120 V, 15 or 20A circuits
220-240 VAC/50 Hz mains: four 10A outlets
100 VAC/50-60 Hz mains: four 15A outlets
Dispenser: 4AH, 250 V
Environmental conditions
Ambient temperature: 15-30¡ÆC
Relative humidity, non-condensing: 30-70%
Altitude: <2,000 m from sea level
Pollution degree: 2 or less
Desktop Computer Tower: 18 cm x 37 cm x 44 cm
ICELL8 cx Module: 108 cm x 58 cm x 58 cm
Chip Cycler(included) : 26cm x 34.5cm x 26cm
Bench space
Bench space including clearance for ICELL8 cx Module and Desktop Computer
: 178 cm x 97 cm x 76 cm
Note: Bench space must be capable of supporting 200 pounds (91kg)
Floor space
Waste Container: 25 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm
200 pounds (91kg)
Reagents(not included)
Filtered water: Milli-Q or Elga system
Reagent-grade 100% isopropyl alcohol (for priming system)
0.2% sodium hypochlorite solution
Centrifuge(not included)
Access to a centrifuge such as Eppendorf 5810, Eppendorf 5810R, or equivalent