پ ũ ssRNA Ȯ
0.5-10 kb ssRNA Ladder Marker
• • FlashG..
FlashGel DNA RNA Marker
پ bp 迡 ȼ
Lonza DNA Markers Ladders
Dye ԵǾ Lonza DNA ladders
Lonza SimplyLoad DNA Ladders
Pulsed-field gel ⿵
Megabase DNA Ladder
ϰ Ȯ Lonza protein markers
Protein Colored and Unstained Markers
ϰ Ȯ Lonza RNA marker
RNA Marker (0.5 to 9 kb)
dsRNA MW Standard Marker
siRNA Ladder Marker
No 1. agarose
SeaKem LE Agarose
1 kb ̻ DNA и
Agarose H14TAKARA
1 kb ̻ DNA и
Agarose L03TAKARA
DNA Typing Agarose
I.D.NA Agarose
Isoelectric focusing Agarose / Precast IEF ..
IEF : IsoGel Agarose & IsoGel Agarose IEF Plates
鿪⿵ (IEF) ػ agarose
ܹ и Agarose
ػ, polyacrylamide
MetaPhor Agarose
ª ( 1 kb) ٻ м
NuSieve 3:1 Agarose
ª и Low melting Agarose
NuSieve GTG Agarose
Pulsed field gel electrophoresis Agarose
SeaKem Gold Agarose
1 kb ̻ DNA и
SeaKem GTG Agarose
Elution, plaque assay low melting agarose
SeaPlaque Agarose
1 kb ̻ и Low melting Agarose
SeaPlaque GTG Agarose
ÿ ٻ ..
DNA м FlashGel System
, ż DNA ȸ ý..
ȸ FlashGel System
• • ÿ ..
RNA м FlashGel System
Ready-made type large format gel
Latitude Gel Series
Ready-made type Agarose mini Gel
Minigel - Reliant Gel System
Ready-made RNA ⿵ Gel
Reliant RNA Gel System
Midigel ⿵ chamber
Latitude Midigel Chamber
Loading & Sample Buffers (Lonza)
DNA, RNA. Protein
⿵ Buffer
Molecular ڿ ʿ
Molecular Buffer ø